If you're reading this file, hopefully you have some interest in purchasing a copy of WebMaster Macintosh. That's great. The book lists for $29.95 and comes packaged with a CD-ROM containing all the shareware you need to set up your Web site, including WebSTAR PS (a custom version of MacHTTP, the shareware predecessor of WebSTAR) server software, HTML editors, graphics tools, CGIs galore, scripting additions, and other essential goodies.
You should be able to find WebMaster Macintosh at your favorite bookstore, or you can try one of the following avenues.
Call AP PROFESSIONAL at 1-800-3131-APP
Fax us at 1-800-874-6418
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WebMaster Macintosh
Bob LeVitus and Jeff Evans
ISBN: 0-12-445574-3
$29.95; 336 pages; includes one CD-ROM
If you have any comments about this book, or if you're interested in writing a computer book, please contact Charles B. Glaser, Executive Editor, AP PROFESSIONAL--cglaser@igc.org.